Diablo 4 Eternal to Seasonal Glitch Gets Worse: Malignant Hearts in Every Socket

Well, if you thought transferring characters, items and gold from Eternal to Seasonal was bad, the glitch/exploit just got a WHOLE lot worse. Again, this one is almost certainly going to bring the ban-wagon around, so DEFINITELY don’t do it. Obviously we’re not going to share how it’s done.

A Whole Lotta Hearts

StarChaserJin reported on a situation on the Korean servers. There, players were also abusing the very bannable Eternal to Season glitch and for quite a while (weeks). Except they seem to have taken it a step further. Another bug is involved, as it seems Malignant Hearts that get moved back to the Eternal realm, although unusable there, can be inserted into ANY socket. We don’t know whether there’s additional steps involved to make this happen, as other posts on the matter did not mention this particular additional bug.


Now remember, gear is transferable from Eternal back to Seasonal. So it’s actually possible that some Seasonal characters could be walking around with 10+ Hearts! We don’t know if the additional Hearts in the non-jewlery slots actually work, however. There’s no footage/proof of it, but it certainly is conceivable. Obviously the maximum you could have is however many different ones you could get, which is 4 per type. That adds up to… a WHOLE lot: 12 theoretically active hearts.

Even if they don’t actually function this is pretty crazy. StarChaserJin came to the Diablo 4 reddit to report this on behalf of South Korean players, so they could get more attention on it from Blizzard. So, here’s hoping the attention is received!

Update: it seems the majority of the exploit has been fixed. Apparently players can no longer trade between Eternal and Seasonal characters, but the Heart stacking might still be possible. Read more about it here.

A Final Word From StarChaserJin

The exploit seems to have badly damaged the Seasonal economy on the Korean servers, and players are getting pretty down about it. Here’s the last part of Jin’s post:

“I post this because of the other Korean gamer’s request. They really love this game. Take care of this IP, Diablo. But the situation makes them keep losing their interest and love with this game. Actually, one of the guys posted, “Is there anyone who makes this public and let Blizzard solve this so we can actually enjoy this game?” We don’t want to see someone cheating, taking advantage of this game while treating individuals who abstain from exploiting bugs as fools. That’s all. This could be my last edit. Hope they fix this asap.” – StarChaserJin

And here’s the full reddit post.

Serious bugs are detected
by u/StarChaserJin in diablo4


