Diablo 4 Patch 1.3.3 Gauntlet Leaderboard Known Issues

Blizzard have shared a couple of known issues for tomorrow’s patch. The mid-season patch will bring the Gauntlet leaderboard feature, and Blizzard clarify that there will be some issues with a few of the lederboard features. However, those will be patched within the week.

We have a list of a few known issues in 1.3.3 for Gauntlet that will be addressed in a future patch in the coming week.

  • Leaderboard filtering amongst ‘Friends’ on Solo can lead to a blank or empty page.
  • Leaderboard filtering amongst ‘Clans’ or ‘Friends’ can lead to a single entry only.

We want to make sure players know that these are not working correctly, and will be addressed shortly.


