Diablo 4’s Spinning NPC Bug Still Unfixed After Nearly Two Years

Since Diablo 4’s Early Access, an NPC in Kyovashad has been endlessly spinning in circles, and Blizzard still hasn’t fixed it!

A Bug That Won’t Stop Turning

Players in Diablo 4 have slain millions of demons since the game released, but one NPC in Kyovashad has been battling an entirely different kind of enemy—an eternal dizziness loop!

A bug has left this NPC spinning non-stop since Early Access, despite nearly two years of updates, the issue remains!

I think we broke the algorithm
byu/diasporajones indiablo4

A player has brought up this bug again recently, indicating Blizzard still hasn’t fixed it!

When a moment calls for a music loop – You spin me right round
byu/-Rhialto- indiablo4



