Easy Way to Filter Aspects Inside the Codex!

Finding the right aspect in your Codex of Power can be quite tedious at times. However, there are some interesting tips and tricks you can use to quickly find everything you need!

With the recently introduced search functionality as well as other Quality-of-Life changes within the Codex of Power, it is not always clear what you can input or how to take advantage of each function within the Codex. This is why we have gathered a quick list of useful tips and tricks for you to use:

  • Search Feature: Entering keywords such as “equip” into the search bar will display a list of currently equipped powers. This allows you to look for equipped aspects that have just been upgraded and imprint them again on your gear, ensuring that you are using the highest values available on your equipped aspects.
  • Favorite Aspects: Pressing the space bar on an aspect within the codex marks it as a favorite. This will allow you easier access to the powers you constantly use. For example, you can favorite an aspect that is required for a specific build, and when imprinting a new item, you will have instant access to the aspect without having to search for it at the Occultist.
  • Warning Triangle: When you try to imprint any aspect of the Codex, a warning triangle icon will be displayed, indicating that the power is already in use on one of your equipped gear pieces. For example, if you have the Rapid Aspect on a ring, it will display a warning symbol to point out that the aspect power is already active on another equipped item. This ensures that you never imprint the same aspect twice on your current gear.

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