How Much Do Diablo 4 Players Spend Re-Rolling a Single Item?

ARPG fans are certainly a persistent lot. Whether it’s the chase for the Uber Uniques or just some regular really good affixes and rolls. The enchant system in Diablo 4 has been a bit of an issue for a lot of players, and a BIG issue for everyone’s gold reserves. But just how far are players willing to take this affix-re-rolling feature?

The Cost of Perfection

We stumbled on a few threads where players talked about their most re-rolled items. Discussions were mostly focused on how much the biggest single re-roll was someone committed to. And there were plenty of responses, plenty of gold ranges players would be willing to go for. The baseline seems to be the very sane 1-2 million per re-roll, which generally adds up to a few million total and is the most common, even at lower levels. The slightly higher rollers move up to the 5-10 million per roll amounts, which gets easier to handle at higher levels as well. The final group went above the 10 million mark.

Source: VAASisJASON.

Players were capping out around 12 million for 1 roll, with around 150 million total spent on a single item. Of course, most of these were aimed at the 3/4 best affix combos or even 4/4 with better numbers to be had, so the investments weren’t completely crazy.

Update From Our Twitter

We’ve gotten quite a few replies to the post with players sharing their max single roll costs. It seems our twitter followers are on the more high-roller side! We’ve seen claims of 20 and even 30 million! A player even got an eye-watering 100+ million amount shown on the item – but they didn’t get there the old-fashioned way. After getting to 30 million per roll the imprinted the rare with an aspect and the cost went up!

Now, the Diablo 4 system doesn’t seem to have been intended to be like the D3 one, where you would just roll and roll, trying to get that perfect number. It seems like the intention here is very much to quit when things get too pricey – but you try telling that to an ARPG diehard!

So, what’s your highest single re-roll number, whether for just the one roll or total?

And just to end on a slightly higher note, here’s a couple of memes:


