Major Leveling and Experience (XP) Changes Shake Things Up in Diablo 4 Season 4

Loot isn’t the only thing that’s getting reborn in Season 4, as Blizzard are majorly shaking things up on all fronts on May 14th!

Among the many, many changes coming with the new season are XP adjustments. These will not only make leveling much, much faster, but will make Glyphs easier to level as well. There’s also the increased mob density in Helltides to take into account, as they will be your primary activity as you level up (and probably a little bit after that as well).

First, let’s get into the basic changes that affect the entire game:

  • The bonus experience for World Tiers II, III and IV have been increased.
    • World Tier I: Unchanged.
    • World Tier II: Increased from 20% to 50%.
    • World Tier III: Increased from 100% to 150%.
    • World Tier IV: Increased from 200% to 250%.
  • Experience rewards from completing Dungeon Events have been increased.
  • Glyph Experience gains have been increased by 25%.

And here is the relevant information regarding Helltides and their density, which will greatly speed things up, especially with the above XP changes:

Helltide Threat

  • As you battle through Helltides, you will generate Threat – how much will be determined by the difficulty of monsters and how often you’re securing Tortured Gifts within Helltide.
  • There are three Helltide Threat Tiers that each increase the danger and frequency of monster ambushes. At Tier 3, you will become Hell-Marked.
  • Achieving maximum Threat will initiate a brief ambush frenzy of maximum enemy density. The ambush will end with a final Hellborne spawn, an immensely powerful agent of Hell, resurrected from the tortured souls of Sanctuary’s most powerful champions.
  • Monster density adjusted to match expected difficulty of World Tier III and IV.

And finally, there are now rank 2 elixirs, which grant 8% increased experience, instead of the usual 5%.

So things are really looking up for those players that either find getting to level 100 a slog, or perhaps never even dinged that fateful max level at all in Diablo 4 yet!


