Necromancers No Longer Blinding Players With Their Dark Pools!

The pools of darkness. The puddles of the abyss. It had many names, but now it has been defeated!

The Blighted Corpse Explosion Necromancers use has been an incredibly annoying visual for a lot of players. While the Necromancers themselves weren’t big fans of it either, it was mostly other class players that were annoyed by it, as it just completely obscured any other effect happening on the ground. Having experienced it myself a few times (and by “experienced” I mean “been killed by it”) it was a pretty big issue and was earning many Necros a lot of hate.

Luckily in an undocumented patch fix Blizzard have now reduced the darkness of the pools!


Source: RIP to the abyss. No more spamming “sorry” before events.


Source: My fellow Necros and I can finally see again!

Source: Kupfel.

Great news for Necromancers (and anyone grouping with/fighting alongside them)! Never forget the importance of clean floors! Well, aside from all the demon blood, guts and body parts…






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