The Future of Diablo 4: Loadouts and More!

The Season 5 theme, which we won’t learn about until the next campfire chat, has been discussed by players, along with what they like and dislike about the changes and what they want to see in the game. To that end, here is a glimpse at some related and interesting information shared via a Reddit post:

Build Loadouts

One of the most requested features players want for Diablo 4 is the ability to save and switch builds and gear without having to do it manually, such as through loadouts. This is not the first time we have mentioned the community’s desire for loadouts, and it would be a much-needed change, as the game is not very accommodating to playing several builds on the same character. Respeccing costs a lot of gold, and doing everything manually takes quite a while. This limitation forces players into a single build, preventing experimentation with alternative combinations or playstyles. Hopefully, the Diablo 4 team will consider adding such an option soon!

Unlimited Whisper Bounties Cap

Another improvement that has been suggested several times by now is the removal of the cap on completing bounties for the Tree of Whispers. Being able to stack as many whispers as we want and then exchange as many as possible at the tree would save a lot of time, as going back and forth every 10 whispers can get tedious very quickly.

Tempering Reset

While tempering is a system many of us players appreciate, there is a consensus regarding the need for a rework of it to either remove the reroll cap or enable the ability to reset the rolls, similar to the masterworking reset. Because right now, tempering can ruin a perfectly rolled item, which is extremely frustrating.


On a positive note, a welcome change that we will see with the release of Diablo 4’s upcoming expansion, Vessel of Hatred, is the addition of pets! The community seems to be rather excited about the ability to walk around with their favorite pet, which will pick up all the gold for them! However, it is no surprise, considering how popular it was to have your pet run around and pick up gold and certain materials for you in Diablo 3!

Other Fun Additions

Last but not least, one of the most popular requests from players is the addition of a Goblin Gold Dungeon, Unicorn Rift, or Cow Level! These have always been fun activities in past Diablo games, and it feels like we are currently lacking something similar in D4.

Of course, the D4 community has many more wishes, but these are the most common. What are some features you would want to see in Diablo 4 in the future?


