The Highest Damage Number in Diablo IV Has Been Reached—And It’s Mind-Blowing!

A Diablo IV player has just set a jaw-dropping record by hitting 333 undecillion damage in-game! This is the highest damage number ever reached in the game!

The player, who’s none other than Rob2628, noted that Diablo IV maxes out at 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455, which is the largest number representable by a 128-bit unsigned integer. After that, you only get the infinity symbol!

How’s That Even Possible?

Rob used the Whirlwind Barbarian on the Season 6 PTR allowing for these eye-watering numbers! In his latest video, Rob demonstrates the infinite damage numbers using Whirlwind and Thorns! The build uses the New Barbarian key passive combined with Thorns scaling, where every attack increases Thorns damage exponentially.

By continuously attacking while spinning, the Thorns damage keeps stacking indefinitely, eventually breaking the damage system, and leading to infinite damage.

This bug has obviously been reported to Blizzard and it won’t make it live!



