The Weakest, Lowest Level Butcher Ever

While many higher level players are starting to see the Butcher as more of an inconvenience once their builds come online properly, Big Red can still be pretty terrifying on lower levels. We all know he scales with players, but what exactly is the first time he can actually show up? We’ve seen him in his largest form, now let’s see him in his weakest!

The Butcher is no stranger to showing up early, as his original appearance in Diablo 1 was on level 2 of the cathedral, right at the start of the game. But before we get into his earliest D4 appearance, let’s first warm up with an appetizer. ArdNarc had a pretty terrifying experience, running into the big guy on level 4!

Earliest Butcher?
by u/ArdNarc in diablo4

But let’s not keep you waiting longer, as it turns out the answer is exactly what you thought it was and the most obvious one ever.


That’s right, Darksnipsy met sheer terror when their level 2 Sorceress ran into a level 1 Butcher! They even managed to kill him and the reward for such an epic accomplishment was… a white level 1 off-hand. The fully unlocked Renown and all Altars helped quite a bit with the monumental feat, of course. Now, we know the Butcher has a 100% legendary drop rate, but legendaries do not drop below level 15 (with the possible exception of quest-related drops like the act 1 amulet), and so a white item it was instead. Still, a pretty great feat!

And so the weakest Butcher ever was revealed, but now very low level players need to be extra worried when venturing into dungeons and cellars! I can’t even imagine what this would be like on Hardcore!

Here are a few more Butcher-related articles:


