Unbelievable Fortune: Player Scores 3 Uber Uniques in One Tormented Duriel Kill!

In a jaw-dropping stroke of luck, a Diablo 4 player hits the jackpot, looting Andariel’s Visage, Tyrael’s Might, and Harlequin Crest all from a single Tormented Duriel kill.

You see an Uber Unique drop and you’re excited! All the farming has finally paid off! But this is not the case for Maagna, who received not one, not two, but THREE Uber Uniques from Tormented Duriel.

The single kill yielded the player Andariel's VisageAndariel’s Visage, Tyrael’s Might, and Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest, as you can see in the included screenshot.

Three Uber Uniques

Source: Reddit


