Diablo 4

A Compilation of Unfortunate Diablo 4 Hardcore Deaths

As you probably know, death in Hardcore is permanent and you must level up a new character from scratch. Sometimes, death can be caused by external factors such as bad internet connection, lag, or power outage, which is why so many players simply avoid playing Hardcore.

Here’s a recap of some unfortunate deaths that occurred in Diablo 4 in Hardcore difficulty.

The first one goes to wudijo, the first player to reach Level 100 in Hardcore solo without group play. His Rogue died because he misclicked the scroll.

Wudijo hardcore death
by u/Le_Jacob in diablo4

Next, we have shroud. His Druid died at Level 95.

Shroud’s HC character dies to Lag
by u/SilverKnight05 in diablo4

Quin69 somehow managed to die in an invulnerable bubble on the loading screen with a cheat death potion. More on that here.

But it’s not just streamers that get caught up in extremely unlucky situations. Here’s a player whose friend died at Level 99 with only 50% XP remaining.

Friend died at 99 hc solo… 5% till he was 100
by u/Cerbinol in diablo4

A power outage was the main cause of Nutsnboldt’s death at Level 99.

Level 99 power outage.
by u/Nutsnboldt in diablo4






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