Unlock Order for Lost Witchcraft Powers from Forgotten Altars: They’re Not Random!

We have another discovery surrounding the ever-more mysterious Lost Witchcraft powers.

The Discovery and Theory

Any_Discipline_6394 noticed something when running into one of these near-mythical altars. Both they and their party members all got the same power offered to them. So far, so normal. You’d expect the same altar to hold the same power, no matter which player accesses it. However, Any_Discipline_6394 went a step further and asked their party members to send a message when they got their next power on their own. And lo and behold, it turned out all of them got the same one, in individual altars, in their own separate games.

The Test

Any_Discipline_6394, as any good scientist would, then posted this on r/diablo4, asking for confirmation from other players to confirm the theory. There aren’t many confirmations in the replies, but everyone who did post saw the same order of powers appear, and no one reported a different setup.

The Powers

And so it seems that Lost Witchcraft powers get unlocked in the following order:

Incidentally, this is also the order in which they were listed in the Season 7 preview when Blizzard announced them. In case you’re more worried about finding those pesky Forgotten Altars than what’s in them, you can check out the currently fastest way to find them here.

So if you were hunting for that swarm of piranhas and can’t believe how unlucky you are that it’s on the last altar… it’s not just you!



